Gender and age differences in rural farmers’ intention to use m-government services

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Electronic Government, An International Journal


The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the direct effect of the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) constructs and government support on rural farmers’ behavioral intention to use m-government service; and (2) how different categories of age and gender in Tanzania rural areas could moderate the effect generated by IDT constructs and government support on respondents’ behavioral intention. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to analyses 407 completed questionnaires. Relative advantage, ease-of-use, compatibility; and government support were found to be significant determinants of rural farmers’ behavioral intention. Age and gender were found to moderate the effects of relative advantage and ease-of-use on behavioral intention while gender could moderate the effect of compatibility on behavioral intention partially. Tactical suggestions to policy makers are given. In general, different strategies and policies could be used to increase different cohorts’ behavioral intention to use m-government service.


Journal Article


m-government; innovation; moderation; government-support; Tanzania

