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    Acceptance, Use and Success of E-Learning Systems in Developing Countries: A Comparison from Malaysia and Tanzania
    (The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, 2018-04) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew
    Finding an effective model which guiding universities in developing countries on acceptance, use and success of e-learning systems has been a tricky. This has been contributed largely with inadequate of factors explaining the existing models. This research study is aimed at comparing and contrasting results of two developed models in Tanzania and Malaysia respectively. Explored factors and hypotheses existing in two developed models will be compared and contrasted. The unified model will be deduced which explaining the acceptance, use and success of this systems. It implies that between these two countries there are considerable number of common factors for guiding successfully acceptance, use and success of e-learning systems, however Malaysia has been better off in terms of course contents, design and delivery. The significance of these result is on policy marking and strategy formulation of educational institutions which are eager to have comprehensive e-learning systems in developing countries, Malaysia and Tanzania in particular.
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    A Review of E-Learning Systems’ Adoption in Tanzania Universities
    (South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 2017-08) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew; Md Johar, Md Gapar
    E-learning system is a form of teaching and learning in which a virtual learning environment is created which provide a smooth transfer of knowledge content between tutor and learner or learner and learner in which an Internet is acting as a medium of networking (wired or wireless) between communicating digital devises and learning sessions may be either synchronous or asynchronous. The objective of this paper is to assess the extent to which e-learning systems have adopted in the public and private universities in Tanzania and its associated challenges by randomly reviewing the past research studies and analysing contents contained in an official website of universities. This research found that the adoption of e-learning systems in Tanzania’s Universities is still very low, at about 46% of universities have adopted e-learning systems for both Public and Private Universities with 75% of e-learning application software being Moodle based. Also, the finding show that the e-learning systems’ adoption are facing with several challenges including ICT Infrastructure, ICT Policy, ICT Training to mention the few, however there are several interventions which had been taken including introduction of new National ICT Policy, Rise of data operators. This snapshot is useful to provoke for more academic enquiry in Tanzania and developing world at large to find the best model for e-learning systems adoption. The findings also have the potential to policy makers, universities and other stakeholder to understand the rate of e-learning adoption in order to justify the total investment based on that technology.
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    Preliminary Study on Multi-Factors Affecting Adoption of E-Learning Systems in Universities: A Case of Open University of Tanzania (OUT)
    (I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2018-03-08) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew; Md Johar, Md Gapar
    Literature show that there are limited factors for existing models in e-learning systems’ adoption. This has raised an increasing sensible debate about factors affecting successful adoption of e-leaning systems in universities in developing world particularly in Tanzania. This preliminary study aimed at exploring multiple factors for successful adoption of e-learning systems in universities in learner perspective, using DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success model as a base model. This study was conducted by collecting data randomly, using the questionnaire from students of Open Universities of Tanzania (OUT) with response rate of 0.83 in a cross-sectional study and later analyzed through content validity, reliability, and criterion-based predictive validity. The preliminary analysis shows that there are twelve distinctive factors affecting e-learning systems’ adoption in universities in Tanzania. This finding suggests more empirical research studies to follow it up, to cement and generalize this case and validate the proposed model in large scale. The novelty of this research lies on the number and uniqueness of factors found.
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    Comparing and Contrasting E-learning Systems’ Adoption in Tanzania: The Experience from Students-Instructors of Eight Universities
    (International Journal of Computer (IJC), 2018) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew; Md Johar, Md Gapar
    Students and instructors contrasting interests were major adoption block in e-learning systems in the world’s universities like Tanzania in particular. This paper aimed at examining aspects in which students-instructors are similar and different in e-learning systems’ adoption in Tanzania’s universities. This paper uses results from two empirical models which were developed from two sample of 1,005 students and 86 instructors from eight universities in Tanzania. Specifically, it intends to achieve the following objectives: (1) to determine common and contrasting factors affecting students-instructors in e-learning systems adoption, (2) to examine common hypotheses and their strengths, (3) to deduce a unified model (view). The results showed that there were considerable common interests between these two key stakeholders (instructors and students) in e-learning systems however there were also contrasting interests too, this implies that specific and common interests shall always be considered in adopting and measuring these systems. These findings will help policy makers in their plan and strategy for e-learning systems’ adoption and measuring in universities in Tanzania especially in environment where both instructors and students need optimal e-learning systems. The novelty of this research lies in identified common core factors between students and instructors with their corresponding common hypotheses strengths in universities in Tanzania.
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    Finding a Correct Measure of Information Systems: The Integration of UTAUT and Lin Model into IS Success Model
    (International Journal of Computer (IJC), 2018) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew
    Finding effective and comprehensive model to measure information systems’ acceptance, use, individual and organizational impacts is tricky. This has been contributed by limited factors of existing models and frameworks. This conceptual paper aimed at proposing a comprehensive and effective information success model called Lashayo10, which will have a capability to define, explain, and measure important factors for successful acceptance, user satisfaction and use of Information Systems (IS). Random literature review will be used to assess the literature critically, and to propose an enhancement model for the IS success. The proposed model (Lashayo10) will adapt DeLone and McLean IS model integrated with UTAUT and Lin (2008) model. The Lashayo10 will be subjected to empirical validation by researchers in information systems’ projects. The novelty of this study lies on the number of effective and comprehensive measurement factors which are proposed in a single holistic model.
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    Instructor Adoption of E-learning Systems in Tanzania’s Universities: A Proposed Multi-Factors Adoption Model (MFAM11)
    (International Journal on Informatics Visualization, 2018) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew; Md Johar, Md Gapar
    Current studies show that there is no comprehensive adoption model in e-learning systems in universities. This problem opens up to too much debate about which models and frameworks fit well in an e-learning environment particularly in universities in Tanzania. This paper answers the two debatable questions, which are: (1) what are the factors that affect adoption of e-learning systems in Tanzania’s universities, (2) what is the comprehensive e-learning adoption model in universities in Tanzania. This research study adapts DeLone and McLean (2003) IS model after an extensive literature reviews conducted in information systems and in e-learning systems. The findings from this research will add up to literature of limited factors’ model and it will open it up for validation in a different universities’ application domain.
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    Measuring E-Learning System Adoption in Universities in Tanzania: An Integration of Trust, Environmental Factors, and University Readiness Into an IS Success Model
    (International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East, 2020-07) Lashayo, Deogratius Mathew
    The success of e-learning systems in Tanzania relies on various factors that influence its measurement. Examples of the key factors include trust, environmental factors, and the university readiness. However, influence of these factors towards e-learning systems is not clear. Understanding their impacts and significance helps decision makers and stakeholders in making informed decisions on how to handle them. This study modifies the information systems (IS) success model whereby it adopts 12 factors that had been suggested by this author in his previous study conducted in Open University of Tanzania (OUT) in 2017. A sample of 1,005 students from eight universities in Tanzania was collected. A structural equation modelling was used in data analysis. The results shows trust (T) has positive and significant impact on e-learning actual use (EAU) while environmental factors (EF) had positive and significant impacts on e-learning actual use and perceived benefits, and at the same time, university readiness had a positive and significant impact on perceived benefits (PB).
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    Security Policy Compliance In Public Institutions: An Integrative Approach
    (Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling, 2018-01) Koloseni, Daniel; Yee Lee, Chong; Lee, Gan Ming
    The success of organizational information security policies depends on employee’s continuous compliance from the time when it was first introduced into the organization. Hence, the purpose of this study is to investigate continuous compliance with information security policy among public organizations. Data were collected from 265 employees working in Tanzania public organizations. Data analysis employed a Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach. The study found that the effects of organizational Commitment, perceived susceptibility and perceived severity have a positive influence on employee’s continuance intention to comply with security policies, while perceived barriers have a negative influence. Moreover, the effects of perceived benefits, self-efficacy, cues and information security awareness have no significant influence. Based on these findings, recommendations were given. There is a paucity of empirical research which investigates key issues that may influence information security policy continuous compliance in organizations. This study addresses this research gap, by integrating the Health Belief Model (HBM) with employee’s organizational commitment and information security awareness constructs to investigate information security policy continuance compliance in organizations.
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    Why Mobile Money Users Keep Increasing? Investigating the Continuance Usage of Mobile Money Services in Tanzania
    (International Information Management Association, 2017) Koloseni, Daniel; Mandari, Herman
    This study examined factors that affect continuance usage of mobile money services in Tanzania. The Theory of Planned Behavior was adopted as a theoretical foundation of the study. The theory was further extended by including the constructs of perceived cost, perceived trust and satisfaction as determinants of mobile money service continuance usage behaviour. A total of 309 valid and reliable responses collected using questionnaires were used for data analysis. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The findings depict that perceived trust, attitude and perceived behavioral control have significant influence on continuance behavioral intention while perceived trust, satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention have significant influence on continuance usage behavior. The study provides a number of useful implications for scholars and policy makers which could be used to enhance and provide sustainable mobile money services to users.
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    The Role of Personal Traits and Learner’s Perceptions on the Adoption of E-learning Systems in Higher Learning Institutions
    (The African Journal of Finance and Management, 2017-01) Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi; Mandari, Herman
    This paper investigates the role of personal traits and learner’s perceptions through the lens of Technology Readiness Index (TRI) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Data were collected using questionnaire from students in six (6) higher learning institutions in Tanzania. Data analysis employed a structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. The study found that optimism, and discomfort constructs have an influence on effort expectancy and performance expectancy of e-learning systems, while insecurity has an influence on effort expectancy only. Furthermore, the study found that effort expectancy and social influence have positive influence on intention to adopt e-learning systems, while intention to adopt e-learning systems has significant relationship with actual usage of the systems. The study recommends higher learning institutions to develop e-learning policies that focus on improving effort expectancy, awareness of the benefits of elearning systems, encouraging social pressure and behavioral intention to lure more students to adopt e-learning systems. These policies should also take into account a leaner’s personal traits such as optimism, discomfort and insecurity to make them effective.
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    An Evaluation of Web Accessibility: The Context of Tanzanian Public Websites
    (The African Journal of Finance and Management, 2014-12) Mandari, Herman
    Inaccessible websites tend to present a big challenge to users, particularly in the electronic government era. Inaccessible websites tend to segregate disabled and other people from accessing online public contents. The Tanzania government is currently using electronic government strategy that involves the use of websites, among others, to disseminate public information and services to stakeholders. However, the issue of web accessibility has been given little attention. This study assessed the web accessibility status of 21 public websites under the auspices of Tanzania National Portal and Ministries by using WCAG 2.0 Level A conformance guideline. Manual and automatic evaluations were used to evaluate homepages for selected websites. A-checker and Cynthia-Says were used in the automatic evaluation process. The result shows that none of the evaluated websites homepage is accessible, yet with a variation in the inaccessibility levels. This study provides a more holistic understanding on the importance of web accessibility on public website, shades lights on various web accessibility guidelines, provides status of public websites in terms of web accessibility, and lastly gives recommendations for improvement to allow more people to access public web contents in Tanzania.
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    Evaluating Social Media Utilization on the Implementation of E-Government Goals in Tanzania
    (Journal of African Research in Business & Technology, 2016-12-21) Mandari, Herman; Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi
    The study examines the intention to continue using mobile banking services among SMEs in Tanzania. The study extended the ECS-IS model by adding three variables: ease-of-use, perceived trust, and attitude to address the existing challenges in continuance usage of mobile banking services. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from company’s owners and managers. A total of 287 responses were used in data analysis. SEM technique was employed to evaluate the measurement and structural models. The study found that satisfaction and attitude have a direct influence on continuance usage of mobile banking among SMEs in Tanzania. Furthermore, confirmation, perceived trust, and perceived usefulness have an indirect effect on continuance usage of mobile banking services among SMEs. The study provides useful insights which could be used by mobile banking service providers to improve banking services delivered through mobile technology. Furthermore, the findings will assist scholars in understanding the antecedents which affect continuance usage of mobile banking services among SMEs.
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    Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) acceptance for tax compliance among trading business community in Tanzania: the role of awareness and trust
    (International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, 2017-03) Mandari, Herman; Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi
    This study investigates factors, which motivates taxpayers to accept Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) for tax collection. The study extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Technology Use (UTAUT) to study taxpayers’ intent to use and acceptance of EFD. Purposive sampling technique was employed to collect a total of 253 valid responses from taxpayers in service sector. Structural equation modeling (SEM) results indicates that awareness is the key influencing factor on taxpayers’ acceptance of accept EFD, while facilitating conditions and intention to use EFD were key determinant factors for taxpayers’ EFD actual usage behavior. To increase acceptance of EFD, policy makers should provide more awareness campaign as well as providing online assistance to EFD users.
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    Biometric Authentication in Financial Institutions: The intention of Banks to Adopt Biometric Powered ATM
    (Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal (ACSIJ), 2016-07) Mandari, Herman; Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi
    The main purpose of this study was to assess the intention of banks to adopt biometric powered ATMs in Tanzania’s financial sector. The study adopted Electronic Data interchange (EDI) model and extended it by introducing perceived risks in order to address the issue of risk which is mostly considered as the main barrier in implementing various technologies. The study used a sample of 47 banks, using ATM in Tanzania, and a multiple respondent’s technique was used to collect 102 valid responses. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data; the empirical result shows that external pressure and perceived benefit are positively influencing the adoption of biometric powered ATM while perceived risk has negative influence. However, organization readiness was found to be insignificant in this study. This study has provided a more holistic understanding on the factors affecting adoption of biometric powered ATM which may enable various banks managers to adopt and implement biometric powered ATMs in Tanzania’s financial sector.
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    Continuance Usage of Mobile Banking Services Among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Tanzania
    (International Journal of ICT Research in Africa and the Middle East, 2020-06) Mandari, Herman; Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi
    The study examines the intention to continue using mobile banking services among SMEs in Tanzania. The study extended the ECS-IS model by adding three variables: ease-of-use, perceived trust, and attitude to address the existing challenges in continuance usage of mobile banking services. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire from company’s owners and managers. A total of 287 responses were used in data analysis. SEM technique was employed to evaluate the measurement and structural models. The study found that satisfaction and attitude have a direct influence on continuance usage of mobile banking among SMEs in Tanzania. Furthermore, confirmation, perceived trust, and perceived usefulness have an indirect effect on continuance usage of mobile banking services among SMEs. The study provides useful insights which could be used by mobile banking service providers to improve banking services delivered through mobile technology. Furthermore, the findings will assist scholars in understanding the antecedents which affect continuance usage of mobile banking services among SMEs.
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    The Influence of Government Support and Awareness on M-Government Adoption in Rural Tanzania: The Mediating Role of Perceived Characteristics of Innovation
    (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, 2017-11) Mandari, Herman
    Mobile government is considered to be the best solution in providing public services in developing countries. Tanzania, without exclusive has adopted m-government services to improve accessibility of public services particularly in rural areas. However, literature has shown that lack of awareness and inadequate government support limit the acceptance of m-government in rural areas. This implies that it is difficult for the government and rural citizens to realize the potential of m-government if the current situation persists. Furthermore, literature has revealed that no evidence of any empirical behavioral study has examined factors influencing rural farmers’ behavioral intention to adopt m-government services in Tanzania. Therefore, this study fills the existing gap by conducting an empirical behavioral study that examines factors which motivate rural farmers to adopt m-government services. The study extended Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) with government support and awareness to examine the rural farmers’ behavioral intention to adopt m-government services. The study employed stratification and multi-stage sampling techniques with simple random sampling to select units of interest. A survey was conducted by using Drop Off / Pick Up method to collect 407 valid and reliable responses. Structural equation modeling was employed to test and confirm the study’s hypotheses. The findings show that government support, relative advantage, ease-of-use, compatibility, result demonstrability, and visibility have direct and positive significant influence on rural farmers’ behavioral intention to adopt m-government services. Furthermore, the findings indicate that awareness has indirect and positive significant effect on rural farmers’ behavioral intention through relative advantage, ease-of-use, compatibility, and visibility. The study expands the existing scholars’ knowledge on adoption of m-government services in Tanzania and other developing countries. It provides useful implications for policy makers to increase the adoption of m-government in rural areas.
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    The influence of government support and awareness on rural farmers' intention to adopt mobile government services in Tanzania
    (Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 2017) Mandari, Herman; Chong, Yee-Lee; Wye, Chung-Khain
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    Gender and age differences in rural farmers’ intention to use m-government services
    (Electronic Government, An International Journal, 2018) Mandari, Herman; Chong, Yee-Lee
    The purpose of this study is to determine: (1) the direct effect of the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) constructs and government support on rural farmers’ behavioral intention to use m-government service; and (2) how different categories of age and gender in Tanzania rural areas could moderate the effect generated by IDT constructs and government support on respondents’ behavioral intention. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to analyses 407 completed questionnaires. Relative advantage, ease-of-use, compatibility; and government support were found to be significant determinants of rural farmers’ behavioral intention. Age and gender were found to moderate the effects of relative advantage and ease-of-use on behavioral intention while gender could moderate the effect of compatibility on behavioral intention partially. Tactical suggestions to policy makers are given. In general, different strategies and policies could be used to increase different cohorts’ behavioral intention to use m-government service.
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    Why Mobile Money Users Keep Increasing? Investigating the Continuance Usage of Mobile Money Services in Tanzania
    (Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2017) Koloseni, Daniel; Mandari, Herman
    This study examined factors that affect continuance usage of mobile money services in Tanzania. The Theory of Planned Behavior was adopted as a theoretical foundation of the study. The theory was further extended by including the constructs of perceived cost, perceived trust and satisfaction as determinants of mobile money service continuance usage behaviour. A total of 309 valid and reliable responses collected using questionnaires were used for data analysis. The data were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The findings depict that perceived trust, attitude and perceived behavioral control have significant influence on continuance behavioral intention while perceived trust, satisfaction and continuance behavioral intention have significant influence on continuance usage behavior. The study provides a number of useful implications for scholars and policy makers which could be used to enhance and provide sustainable mobile money services to users.
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    Numerical modeling of electromagnetic wave logging while drilling in deviated well
    (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2018) Wu, Aiping; Fu, Qingqing; Mwachaka, Saleh M.; He, Xiaoying
    Electromagnetic wave logging-while-drilling (LWD) tools are used in geosteering for hydrocarbon exploration. Comparing with vertical wells, the response of logging has widely changed because the electrical parameters surrounding the borehole are non axisymmetrical distribution in deviated well. In this paper, with the method of alternating-direction-implicit finite difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD), we discuss the logging response of electromagnetic wave LWD in deviated well, three-dimensional Yee’s non-uniform staggered grid is used in cylindrical coordinates, transfer coordinate system is built between strata space and instrument space, which the conductivity tensor of the an isotropic and dipping formation can be expressed in coordinates of instrument, the method of area weighted average is used to compute the effective conductivity of partially-filled grid cells at interfaces, and uni axial perfectly matched layer (UPML) absorbing boundary conditions is used to truncate the computational domain. Result shows that horn of logging response curve is appeared on both upper and lower boundaries, when electromagnetic wave LWD tool penetrating through the boundary with large dipping angle, and this horn is used to indicate the presence of formation boundaries. What’s more, with the eccentric distance increases, horns effect of the boundary is more obvious.