An investigation of job satisfaction among library staff in selected academic libraries in Tanzania
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University of Dar es Salaam
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the issue of job satisfaction among library staff in selected academic libraries in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed to measure the level of job satisfaction of library staff, assess the effects of motivational and hygienic factors on library staff job satisfaction; and compare public and private university libraries’ job satisfaction. The study involved the University of Dar es Salaam, University of Dodoma, St. Augustine University of Tanzania and Iringa University libraries located in Dar es Salaam, Dodoma, Mwanza and Iringa regions, respectively. Data were collected from 141 respondents using questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions and analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solution (IBM-SPSS) software and content analysis. Descriptive statistics describe basic features of the data in the study. The findings revealed that all the four academic libraries experience moderate/average job satisfaction. The nature of the library work affected job satisfaction negatively because of repetitive and routine activities whereas job security, as a hygienic factor, caused low job satisfaction due to government reforms resulting in employment insecurity. Both private and public university libraries experienced average job satisfaction with financial constraints noted as a major challenge in these libraries. Overall, the study found library staff in the selected academic libraries to have average job satisfaction as a result of job insecurity; work design, which lacks variety of activities; inadequate supervision and insufficient recognition within the university set-up. As such, the study recommends for the improvement in motivation for library staff through the provision of recognition and improvement of working conditions; collaboration between library and teaching staff which has to be nurtured and positive; library need prioritization during budget allocation; status of the library staff need to be improved and enhanced through the efforts of library partners, with frequent salary reviews and timely promotions being fostered to boost job satisfaction.
PhD Theses